Universal mounting plate has multiple...
We’ve partnered with T-Reign to bring the dependability and quality of T-Reign’s retractor system into the paddlesports world. Secure your gear without bulky leashes or floats using the YakAack Retractors. These super versatile units combine the innovation you've come to expect from YakAttack and a genuine T-Reign retracting mechani...
We’ve partnered with T-Reign to bring the dependability and quality of T-Reign’s retractor system into the paddlesports world. Secure your gear without bulky leashes or floats using the YakAack Retractors. These super versatile units combine the innovation you've come to expect from YakAttack and a genuine T-Reign retracting mechanism, 36" Kevlar cord, and a removable 4" tether. Use these retractors to secure everything from pliers, knives, radios, or any tool that needs to be secure and within reach when needed.
YakAttack Retractor Tethers, 3 Pack YakAttack Retractor Tethers, 3 Pack
YakAttack Surface mount retractor, featuring T-Reign 36" Kevlar retractable gear tether, and 4" lanyard. YakAttack Surface mount retractor, featuring T-Reign 36" Kevlar retractable gear tether, and 4" lanyard.
YakAttack Track mounted retractor featuring T-Reign. YakAttack Track mounted retractor featuring T-Reign.